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What You Should Consider When Using Free Computer Disposals Services

10 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

What You Should Consider When Using Free Computer Disposals Services

What factors should you consider when choosing to locate companies that offer free computer disposals to get rid of old computer and office equipment? Services exist which offer free computer disposal services but could have varying policies and procedures. Take some time to learn about those policies before deciding to trust them with your computer recycling and data destruction needs.

How do the services recycle or dispose of the computers?

Disposal of old computer hardware may not be something you’ve really considered. But many countries now have guidelines for companies to adhere to regarding disposal of electronics. The environment is a concern and the information contained on your computer is a concern. Not only are there environmental guidelines which may prohibit you from disposing of large quantities of electronics in the local landfill sites but it is your responsibility to ensure that you’re not making confidential employee material and certain customer records available for public consumption. In many cases, recycling after data destruction is a wise decision as companies can specialise in removing all your data and providing the computer or office equipment to worthwhile charities.

Some industries have very comprehensive guidelines for handling personal information of your clients, particularly if you’re in the legal field or medical industry. And where your employees are concerned, it’s your responsibility to ensure that confidential employee information is not compromised. Service organisations that offer free computer disposals need to take data destruction very seriously and as a company it’s your responsibility to ensure that you choose someone who does make this their priority.

How do they destroy the data?

Is your computer being stripped of data? The hard drive and memory have to be removed before the computer is disposed of or recycled and the equipment has got to be rendered useless. Deleting files is not enough.

What records will you receive?

Does the free computer disposal company offer you a destruction certificate to take responsibility for disposing of the data on your old computer equipment? This is a differentiator that should matter to you. You need the peace of mind of a record of the destruction of that data.

How easy is it to do business with them?

Does the computer disposal service pick up? Do they help make your job of disposal easy? What do they do with the equipment? If the company is easy to do business with, has solid business practises, is environmentally responsible and helps others benefit from your old office equipment, this is a good sign that the company is a smart choice of organisation to do business with.

If you’re looking for safe computer disposal, contact the Computer Recyclers at Eco PC Recycling Ltd about free computer disposals.


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