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Toshiba Recalling 41,000 T Series Notebook Computers

13 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

20060618 – the mess that is my computer right now – 101-0191
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Words can’t describe everything that is going on in this picture. Only notes.

Read more specifics of my cpu upgarde experiences here: HERE.

UPDATE: This computer died. Motherboard overheated. Critical fan had died. My new computer beeps when that happens — and it already saved me. Read all about it (10+ blog posts, heh heh) here:

Toshiba Recalling 41,000 T Series Notebook Computers
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced that Toshiba is recalling 41,000 T Series Notebook Computers because of a burn hazard. Toshiba has received 129 reports of computers overheating including two reports of minor burn injuries and two reports of minor property damage.
Read more on Hartford Courant

’Your Brain on Computers’ Thursday
Two faculty members from the University of Iowa’s Carver College of Medicine will discuss with UI law students how computers and Internet connectivity may be harming cognitive functioning.
Read more on The Iowa City Press-Citizen

To Create Jobs, Nurture Start-Ups
Modern tools of data analysis — fast computers, smart software and vast troves of digital information — often open the door to new insights. Consider the subject of jobs in America, Steve Lohr writes in The New York Times.
Read more on New York Times


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