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The Essential Guide to Computer Hardware (Essential Guide Series (Prentice-Hall, Inc.).)

14 Sep Posted by in Computer | 3 comments

The Essential Guide to Computer Hardware (Essential Guide Series (Prentice-Hall, Inc.).)

Don’t understand computers (or all the powerful technologies that go with them)? You’re not alone. Here’s your solution: The Essential Guide to Computer Hardware. It’s a 100% non-technical, math-free introduction to every type of computer and communi

Rating: (out of 3 reviews)

List Price: $ 34.99

Price: $ 22.97



  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for The Essential Guide to Computer Hardware (Essential Guide Series (Prentice-Hall, Inc.).)
    Computer technology is a challenge to understand. It keeps changing quickly and its difficult to gain a basic understanding of it. However, I think Keogh’s laid-back easy to read writing style brings technology down to a level that the average Joe on the street like me can understand. He starts with the very basic concepts then gradually brings you into the latest technology without skipping a beat. I found myself say, “that’s how its down. It’s so simple why do they make it sound so complicated.”
    And best of all he covers digital video, digital audio, and other technologies that you don’t think of as being computer hardware. I can’t wait for his next book on technology.

  • bob smith says:

    Review by bob smith for The Essential Guide to Computer Hardware (Essential Guide Series (Prentice-Hall, Inc.).)
    I was pleasantly surprise to read the wide variety of computing devices covered in this book. Not only did the author bring me up to date on the latest PC technology, he also covered PDAs, digital cameras, MP3 devices, wireless devices, scanners, practically anything I wanted to know about. Best of all Keogh explained how these technology work in a way anyone could understand it. Another advantage I found over other books is that Keogh provided an insight into the entire technology industry – company by company. I give this two thumbs up. Good job!

  • Clark Riippa says:

    Review by Clark Riippa for The Essential Guide to Computer Hardware (Essential Guide Series (Prentice-Hall, Inc.).)
    This book hit the nail on the head for me. A good, easy to understand guide to all kinds of computer hardware. I particularly found the author’s treatment of PDAs, digital cameras, and mobile computing devices very useful. Most other books on computer hardware only cover PCs. This book covers PCs and nearly every kind of computing device on the market. I give the author two thumbs for covering more than PCs.

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