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Test  // Posts tagged as "Test"

07 Jul Posted by in Computer | Comments

Pass Your Driving Test

Pass Your Driving Test Pass your Driving Test – the ultimate guide for passing your driving test. A new killer sales page and increased price to bring you the biggest profits. Pass Your Driving Test Lose Weight by Dancing Cash In on this Hot, New Product. Super High Conversion Rate. Sexy, Content-Packed Video Sales Letter. […]


12 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Privacy triumphs in internet piracy test case

Privacy triumphs in internet piracy test case Switzerland’s highest court has ruled in favour of people’s privacy in a case where a firm was sharing computer IP addresses to combat internet piracy. Read more on Swissinfo Ninth Circuit rules on secondhand software A federal appeals court in San Francisco has sided with the computer software […]


24 Aug Posted by in Computer | Comments

Stress Test Your Hardware to Troubleshoot Problems and Keep Your Computer Stable [Hardware]

Stress Test Your Hardware to Troubleshoot Problems and Keep Your Computer Stable [Hardware] # hardware Gadget blog Tested explains how to stress test your computer’s most important hardware—and likely pain points in a buggy system—in order to diagnose and fix hardware problems that can commonly crop up in software errors and system crashes. More » Read […]