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Targeted  // Posts tagged as "Targeted"

29 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Iran Confirms Cyber-Attack After Industrial Computers Targeted by Worm

Iran Confirms Cyber-Attack After Industrial Computers Targeted by Worm Iran said its Bushehr nuclear power plant is safe after confirming some of its industrial computers have been targeted by a computer worm and that it is working to counter the cyber-attack. Read more on Bloomberg Confidence Only Rocks Computers NEW YORK (TheStreet) — Disappointing consumer […]


23 Aug Posted by in Computer | Comments

Google News: Untapped Source of Huge Targeted Traffic

Google News: Untapped Source of Huge Targeted Traffic Converting like crazy! Nothing like it available! Google News is the most underused source for huge amounts of high quality targeted traffic. Step by step guide to creating a site and getting approved as a Google News Publisher in just days! Google News: Untapped Source of Huge […]