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Survey  // Posts tagged as "Survey"

30 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Survey Suggests Laptop Users May Turn to iPads

by Guillermo Esteves Survey Suggests Laptop Users May Turn to iPads A new survey by price comparison website Kelkoo has found that British consumers could be ready to ditch their laptops in favour of the new Apple iPad . There have been a spat of surveys recently examining the threat posed by the iPad to […]


30 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Survey Finds College Students Love Laptops But Not eReaders, Facebook But Not Twitter

Survey Finds College Students Love Laptops But Not eReaders, Facebook But Not Twitter Want to know what the future workforce thinks of technology, how it uses search engines, social networking, and online collaborative tools? The recently released ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology gives some excellent insights into trends in college students’ technology […]


04 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

News Paper Reading Habit Among the Professional College Staff Members for Various Points of View: a Survey

by bootload News Paper Reading Habit Among the Professional College Staff Members for Various Points of View: a Survey INTRODUCTION News papers have collected information from all directions. It helps to improve reading habit, knowledge skills and current awareness about world. Most of the people wish they read more. It is an activity that […]