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Resource  // Posts tagged as "Resource"

31 Dec Posted by in Computer | Comments

Bullying Prevention Interactive Computer Resource for Young Children

Bullying Prevention Interactive Computer Resource for Young Children Bullying awareness computer program designed to educate young children on the harmful effects of bullying. Its interactive, animated, educational and Fun! 3 different stories to address different types of bullying behaviour. Support material also included Bullying Prevention Interactive Computer Resource for Young Children How-to Make Your Computer […]


10 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Must Have Teacher Resource Book

Must Have Teacher Resource Book Teach with creative drama. Fantastic compilation of over 100 creative drama activities in numerous subject areas including math, science, history and More. Have the Best teaching year, make learning fun again, watch test scores improve. 3 Volumes. Must Have Teacher Resource Book The Psychology Student’s Best Friend Earn 65% […]


03 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Research and Markets: This Computer Hardware in the United States Industry Profile is an Essential Resource for Top …

Research and Markets: This Computer Hardware in the United States Industry Profile is an Essential Resource for Top … DUBLIN—-Research and Markets has announced the addition of the “Computer Hardware in the United States” report to their offering. Read more on Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance PC Rescue Tech aims to meet all computer repair […]