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Plugged  // Posts tagged as "Plugged"

28 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

How to deal with hp laptop battery plugged in not charging issue

by amanky How to deal with hp laptop battery plugged in not charging issue My dad owns a HP dv 2 Laptop which I had purchased from Bangkok. The laptop was working absolutely fine, one fine day suddenly the HP Laptop battery decided it will not charge anymore. I tried many things, removed my battery […]


27 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Is it Possible to Overuse Your Laptop AC Adapter by Keeping it Plugged in Too Long?

by cce info Is it Possible to Overuse Your Laptop AC Adapter by Keeping it Plugged in Too Long? People who use their laptops excessively often wonder if they are actually harming their laptops in some way. This apprehension is more pronouncedly felt when the laptop is used constantly over its AC adapter. The direct […]