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30 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

6 Tips For Saving Money On Your Next Computer Purchase

by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL) 6 Tips For Saving Money On Your Next Computer Purchase Buying a Computer does not need to be a budget breaker. A Computer purchase often includes additional components and software that are not needed and can be avoided…if you are well prepared with the correct information. To help, the […]


31 Aug Posted by in Computer | Comments

Sony PlayStation 4 Console (PS4): Our Wishlist for Sony’s Next System

Sony PlayStation 4 Console (PS4): Our Wishlist for Sony’s Next System This year’s E3 is on the horizon, and the buzz of what may and may not be displayed continues to push the rumor mill into overdrive. Could there be a PSP2 announcement, or will the Natal steal the show? What new games are going […]


22 Aug Posted by in Computer | Comments

Cloud Computing Education Taken to the Next Level

by scottpartee Cloud Computing Education Taken to the Next Level Cloud Computing Education Taken to the Next Level There is no surprise that cloud computing education is a necessary tool for many companies and even schools. With this type of computation system that should not be confused with others such as grid computing, utility computing […]