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Minutes  // Posts tagged as "Minutes"

06 Jul Posted by in Computer | Comments

PitchPerfector Trains you to Sing on Pitch in 10 minutes!

PitchPerfector Trains you to Sing on Pitch in 10 minutes! Every singer sings off pitch – it’s only a matter of how much and for how long. Breakthrough Software Trains you to be singing on pitch in 10 minutes. Earn 50% on this -47 product. PitchPerfector Trains you to Sing on Pitch in 10 minutes! […]


30 Dec Posted by in Computer | Comments

How To Speed Up Your Computer: In 30 Minutes Or Less

A few computer products I can recommend: How To Speed Up Your Computer: In 30 Minutes Or Less Guide to quickly speed up your computer. Many techniques use existing Os. For Xp and Vista. Comes with a weekly newsletter. How To Speed Up Your Computer: In 30 Minutes Or Less


02 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Solve Your Computer Problems Within A Few Minutes

by dmealiffe Solve Your Computer Problems Within A Few Minutes In the modern internet era, you cannot run a business without computers. Small business owners need to have at least a few computers that are networked together. Further, there must be an active internet connection for the whole office. Even though entrepreneurs are required to […]


01 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

6 Tips to Fix A Slow Computer – In Under 2 Minutes

by eurleif 6 Tips to Fix A Slow Computer – In Under 2 Minutes 1.  Go Easy On The Display SettingsIt is very easy to get carried away with a wide range of visual options.  While you might things that this makes your pc look good – it will also impact on the performance of […]