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issue  // Posts tagged as "issue"

30 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

St. Paul schools issue laptops for online curriculum

St. Paul schools issue laptops for online curriculum More than 200 ninth graders at Harding Senior High School in St. Paul are part of a pilot program called H 1:1. It’s part of a 0,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Education that aims to transform education through technology. Read more on KARE 11 Minneapolis-St. […]


28 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

How to deal with hp laptop battery plugged in not charging issue

by amanky How to deal with hp laptop battery plugged in not charging issue My dad owns a HP dv 2 Laptop which I had purchased from Bangkok. The laptop was working absolutely fine, one fine day suddenly the HP Laptop battery decided it will not charge anymore. I tried many things, removed my battery […]


30 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Proposed billboards continue to be an issue for Springfield Zoners

Proposed billboards continue to be an issue for Springfield Zoners Granite Terrace resident Rose Grelis said she and her family were leaving the following morning for a vacation in Europe, including the opportunity to see the Oberammergau Passion Play. Her anticipation of the trip, however, did not prevent her from attending the Springfield Zoning Board […]