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House  // Posts tagged as "House"

03 Jul Posted by in Computer | Comments

Kirstie and Phil’s House Hunter – consumer app of the week

Kirstie and Phil’s House Hunter – consumer app of the week This homebuying app is packed with property tips, and financial and legal information but the price may slow its progress App: Kirstie and Phil’s House Hunter By: Jointly developed and produced by BBC Worldwide and Raise The Roof Productions Price: £3.49 Available on: iPhone […]


21 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

House Hunting With Eflex Computers

by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL) House Hunting With Eflex Computers There has never been a better time to buy a house. Prices have dropped, and mortgages are being offered again, so it’s not a question of affordability for Eflex Computer lovebirds Gary and Kirstie. No, the sticking point is location-location! At the moment the […]