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Focus  // Posts tagged as "Focus"

31 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Aboard The Pennsylvanian from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia: From train window, the state comes into focus

The DIY Cheapskate Laptop Stand In Action! 🙂 Image by tomas carrillo This is the DIY Cheapskate Laptop Stand that I created for my home office. Click here to see the stand by itself. The instructions to build this stand can be seen and downloaded by visiting: The DIY Cheapskate Laptop Stand (the link should […]


16 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Thats Customer Focus

Check out these computer case products: Thats Customer Focus This exceptional e-book shows you how to create a truly Customer-Focused organization and reap the financial gains associated with effective customer focus. It contains almost 200 pages of examples, illustrations, case studies, tools and more that work. Thats Customer Focus Acne Diet Cure – Brand New […]