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Dealing  // Posts tagged as "Dealing"

26 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Dealing With Hot Notebook

by ‘smil Dealing With Hot Notebook If you’ve read our article on the causes and potentially devastating effects of notebook heat, you know that thanks to external temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit,  some notebooks can feel more like portable grills than portable computers.  While inadequate heat dissipation is the manufacturer’s fault, users aren’t helpless. If […]


04 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Dealing with first day of school jitters in Williston

Dealing with first day of school jitters in Williston After a summer chock full of free-flowing, warm-weather fun, kids often find themselves a bit apprehensive about the new teachers and friends they will meet when school begins again. Some are even heading to classrooms for the very first time. Read more on The Burlington Free […]