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Computers  // Posts tagged as "Computers"

21 Aug Posted by in Computer | Comments

Computers For A Cause

Computers For A Cause A Reno non-profit has celebrated the grand opening of its new facility on East Greg Street. Read more on KOLO 8 Reno Pioneer Computers soon shipping 7-inch Tegra 2-powered DreamBook ePad N7 to dags down under Is the device above familiar to you? It should be if you’ve been following the […]


21 Aug Posted by in Computer | Comments

Learn About Computers With Free Computer Learning Courses

by duncan Learn About Computers With Free Computer Learning Courses “There’s too much to learn!” “Everything changes so quickly!” “I just don’t understand!” These are all common reactions to the overwhelming challenge of learning to use a personal computer. The volume of information, the pace of change and the intimidating technical language can make […]