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Computer  // Posts tagged as "Computer"

30 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Choosing the Components to Build your Own Computer

by Bolt of Blue Choosing the Components to Build your Own Computer Many people now opt to build their own computer so that they are more in control of the specifications they want and save more than just a few pounds. There are a multitude of DIY’s found all over the Internet, and yes, it […]


30 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Hurricane Proof Computer

by aLii_ Hurricane Proof Computer Hurricanes cause billions of dollars in damage each year, including damage to computers. Unfortunately, computers can be much harder to replace if lost than other electronics because of the data contained on their hard drives and time spent tweaking and overclocking them. Being a Katrina evacuee and survivor myself, I […]


30 Sep Posted by in Computer | 1 comment

Guide to buying a desktop computer

by kballard Guide to buying a desktop computer With the rapid pace of technological developments, nothing has become as ubiquitous as the computer. Everyone’s got one. And they are used for all manner of endeavour, by people of all walks of life. So, do you simply buy the computer that someone’s selling? Or do you […]


30 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Clean your computer and save money

by Preston Kemp Clean your computer and save money New computers are chock full of great technology that allows you to do more than you ever have with a computerwhile spending less. This functionality comes at a price though….and its a hefty one. The price shows up as heat. Nowadays, the standard PC you would […]


30 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Computer Virus

by blakespot Computer Virus In 1983, Fred Cohen coined the term “computer virus”, postulating a virus was “a program that can ‘infect’ other programs by modifying them to include a possibly evolved copy of itself.” The term virus is actually an acronym for Vital Information Resources Under Seize. Mr. Cohen expanded his definition a year […]


30 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Self to Do Computer Troubleshooting Tips

by Preston Kemp Self to Do Computer Troubleshooting Tips Is your computer rebooting itself again and again or shutting down spontaneously? If yes, then you need to perform some simple steps to fix the majority of PC lockup issues.1.Check for recently installed software or hardware.If your computer hangs after you installed a new software or […]


30 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Basic Computer Components Information

by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL) Basic Computer Components Information If you are about to assemble your own computer, you should first recognize the functions of each most important components of a computer before you go and purchase its parts. It’s simple to attach these PC components so you don’t need to be anxious about […]


29 Sep Posted by in Computer | 1 comment

Computer Security Ethics and Privacy

by scottpartee Computer Security Ethics and Privacy Today, many people rely on computers to do homework, work, and create or store useful information. Therefore, it is important for the information on the computer to be stored and kept properly. It is also extremely important for people on computers to protect their computer from data loss, […]


29 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Clean Computer Fan and Avoid Dust Clogs

by julia fredenburg Clean Computer Fan and Avoid Dust Clogs Is your computer on computer quite a bit over the course of the day; keeping it on for many hours at a time, or maybe never even switching it off? Does your tower sit on a desk, or does it sit on the floor? These […]


29 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Vdu: the Computer Monitoring System

by Paladin27 Vdu: the Computer Monitoring System INTRODUCTION the Visual display Unit (VDU) according to International Labour Office (1989) defined VDU as an electrical instrument that is use to display the information recieved from the computer system,in a very short period of time emerged from comparative obscruity in scientific laboratory(s) to become an integral and […]