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Computer  // Posts tagged as "Computer"

02 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Online Computer Repair NYC is cheap and easy

by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL) Online Computer Repair NYC is cheap and easy Online Computer Repair has never been this cheap and easy. In case you are experiencing computer problems which you might not be able to attend to, online computer repair can take care of it. It is assured that they will respond […]


02 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Antivirus Internet Security Basics: How Viruses Get on a Computer

by jurvetson Antivirus Internet Security Basics: How Viruses Get on a Computer Recently a computer security expert stated that the only way to keep a computer 100% safe was to never turn it on. It turns out this inaccurate and a little misleading. A computer used solely to type up and print out documents, never […]


02 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Solve Your Computer Problems Within A Few Minutes

by dmealiffe Solve Your Computer Problems Within A Few Minutes In the modern internet era, you cannot run a business without computers. Small business owners need to have at least a few computers that are networked together. Further, there must be an active internet connection for the whole office. Even though entrepreneurs are required to […]


02 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Online Computer Support

by Paul Cheek Online Computer Support ‘Online computer support’ can be defined as a kind of services that is provided by the companies in order to help the customer over different computer issues. computer support may be provided to the various companies or simple home users. It seems that every organization have a large number […]


01 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

6 Tips to Fix A Slow Computer – In Under 2 Minutes

by eurleif 6 Tips to Fix A Slow Computer – In Under 2 Minutes 1.  Go Easy On The Display SettingsIt is very easy to get carried away with a wide range of visual options.  While you might things that this makes your pc look good – it will also impact on the performance of […]


01 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

About Computers and Computer Companies

by phil_g About Computers and Computer Companies The advent of the computers radically changed our lifestyle. Communication, researching and other works have never been any easier. Computers are machines that work on data according to the list of instructions. Early electronic computers consume much power. Modern computers, on the other hand, are based on tiny […]


01 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Is your Computer Extremely Slow? Here Are Some Tips To Improve Its Performance

by Extra Ketchup Is your Computer Extremely Slow? Here Are Some Tips To Improve Its Performance So is your computer extremely slow? Are you wasting more time waiting then you are actually working? This can be completely frustrating and at one time or another all computer users will experience their computer being extremely slow. Fortunately […]


01 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Lastest Computer Case News

How do I get Office 2010 working again? QI installed the beta version of Microsoft Office 2010 on my computer that already had Office 2003 on it. Outlook 2003 stopped working and uninstalling Office 2010 has not solved the problem as it still complains that a file is missing. Read more on Computer Active State […]


01 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Easy Steps to Build You Own Quad Core Computer

by sermoa Easy Steps to Build You Own Quad Core Computer What is Quad Core Computer? Quad Core computer is essentially a speed demon that allows its user to play high-end video games, run computer programs, and rip DVDs at the same time! The second generation quad core processor offers multitasking performance with greater energy […]


30 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

6 Tips For Saving Money On Your Next Computer Purchase

by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL) 6 Tips For Saving Money On Your Next Computer Purchase Buying a Computer does not need to be a budget breaker. A Computer purchase often includes additional components and software that are not needed and can be avoided…if you are well prepared with the correct information. To help, the […]