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Road Warriors Rejoice: Maingear Releases Clutch Notebooks

23 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

Road Warriors Rejoice: Maingear Releases Clutch Notebooks
Maingear is releasing a new series of notebooks by the name “Clutch” built for business professionals and students on the lookout for small, powerful, mobile solutions. Offering both a 13.3? and 15.6? screen, these new notebooks are fitted with Intel® Core i series mobile processors, up to 8GB of DDR3-1066 memory, a 512GB SSD HDD, and a (rather bulky) optional docking station for all those …
Read more on SlashGear

Dell launches 14-, 15-, and 17-inch XPS notebooks
Computer maker Dell is breathing new life into its premium XPS notebook line, introducing a series of new XPS notebooks available with 14-inch, 15-inch, and 17-inch displays. The systems all ship with Nvidia’s 3DTV Play software that enables users to watch 3D Blu-ray movies and play 3D games (at least on an separate Nvidia-compatible 3DTV) and sport Nvidia Optimus technology for transparent …
Read more on Digital Trends via Yahoo! News

Apple rolls out notebooks with iPad technology
Apple has introduced a new generation of portable notebook computers that provide some of the cutting edge features from its fast-selling iPad. The new sculpted aluminum notebooks will use the MacBook Air name and replace mechanical hard disk and optical drives with solid state flash storage.
Read more on The Newark Post


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