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RiskCommunities Gains Expert Interview: Update on Bilski Patent Case

10 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

RiskCommunities Gains Expert Interview: Update on Bilski Patent Case
9/9/2010, San Jose, CA – RiskCommunities recently gained an expert an interview, and updates on the Bilski Patent case, which recently went to the Supreme Court.Julie Davis, Founder of RiskCommunities, interviewed Cecily O’Regan, GreenbergTraurig LLP, on this key court decision. They discussed the Supreme court decision and potential impact on technology firms. Davis commented, “In keeping to…
Read more on PitchEngine

Criminal case against man charged with trying to kill his wife continued until Oct. 29
Police work at the home on Cortland Drive in New Milford home where 41-year-old Neil Fergus stabbed his estranged wife and attacked his mother-in-law Saturday afternoon. Catherine Fergus, also 41, was in stable condition at Danbury Hospital Sunday. Neil Fergus will be arraigned in court Monday.
Read more on The News-Times


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