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Repair laptop batteries’ mothods

30 Dec Posted by in Computer | Comments
by amanky

Repair laptop batteries’ mothods

Repair laptop batteries’ mothods

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Home Page > Business > Ask an Expert > Repair laptop batteries’ mothods

Repair laptop batteries’ mothods

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Posted: Oct 28, 2009 |Comments: 0



(A) cause damage to the battery
laptop computer battery life is longer, often dissatisfied with battery charge, and even show the battery has been damaged, concrete expression of the resistance is bigger, at charging voltage is increasing relatively quickly at both ends. So easy to charge control circuit has been judged already been filled, the capacity also falls. Since relatively large battery internal resistance, discharge voltage drop big, fast, so the system is easy to mistakenly believe that voltage is not enough electricity shortage. The discovery of relatively short battery life, should take appropriate measures.
(B) The battery refresh program to restore the battery discharge time
Big-brand notebooks have a battery refresh program, we can use it to repair the battery. For example: a IBM Thinkpad390/262650-based notebook computers, are fitted with nickel-metal hydride batteries (Ni-Mh) batteries, due to normal charge and discharge properly, leading to the battery discharge time is shorter, leaving less than 5 minutes, if the bring notebook computers to work, then it is very inconvenient, what methods can restore the battery discharge time?
In response to these circumstances, we can use the IBM has launched a battery refresh program to refresh the battery put it back in discharge time, specifically as follows.
(1) the use of AC adapters to the notebook computer, first to ftp://fip. pc. ibm. com / pub / pccbbs / mobiles / isbr01ww. exe download software provided by IBM notebook computer batteries TP390/390e/390x refresh program.
(2) Restart the computer, press F8 key to enter boot menu and select safe DOS mode.
(3) to enter the directory where the file you just downloaded, the implementation of the battery refresh program isbr0lww, exe, reading a warning message, by asking you to insert a floppy disk, and then press the Enter key to the implementation of the self-extracting operation.
(4) boot floppy disk with this computer, the screen appears StartingPC-DOS. . . Tips.
(5) Follow the prompts to unplug the AC power, the program will automatically pairs of Ni-Mh battery discharge, discharge is completed, the system will automatically shut down.
(6) As the battery temperature is higher at this time should not immediately start, let the battery cool for a while, the plug in AC power.
(7) to guide the computer with the floppy disk, this Autoexec. bat file will run automatically refresh program, and asks the user whether to proceed. Select yes, press the Enter key.
(8) At this point, refresh program began to refresh the battery, the process quickly, when the return to DOS prompt A:> when that refresh has been completed.
(9) Turn off the computer, and recharge the battery until the green indicator light up.
(10) The above procedure repeated three times to get the best results.
Also, many battery pack lithium battery failure is the failure of a power-saving result of the core, this phenomenon can not be avoided. Because each section of the battery core properties can not be fully consistent with some of the quality of somewhat less long after the beginning of aging and the undermining of the whole (series after) the discharge curve. Interest and ability readers can try to open the battery pack, in the multimeter’s help, you can quickly find the damaged batteries (abnormal voltage). If conditions permit, according to the corresponding parameters of the replacement batteries can be qualified product.

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