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Removing Spyware – 5 Steps To A Spyware-free Computer

24 Aug Posted by in Computer | Comments

by AGoK

Removing Spyware – 5 Steps To A Spyware-free Computer

People today are getting aware about the spyware menace. More people now are browsing online for several free tools for spyware prevention. It is apparent that any system that is spyware free is always worth working for.

It is true that people are aware about the problems occurring due to such spying software; however, they lack in recognizing initial symptoms of the infection. This way it becomes difficult for them to reduce the initial damage to the system.

Below are few things you need to watch in order to make sure your system is free of spyware programs.

1) Sudden change in the display of home page:

Some spywares are designed in a way that it redirects the actual home page to that of the creator. This is often done for accomplishing several purposes as given below:

a) Advertisement: few companies promote their business making use of spyware programs. It would change the home page so that the user knows about the creator’s business concept.

Some Websites gain good profit by the number of clicks on their website link. The spywares ensure that you access the site no matter what. At times, as they infect a certain network, they gain many people to check on their link. This way with more number of hits on their website, the organizations would encourage advertisers and investors towards them.

b) Malice: A few of the creators divert the home pages simply for fun. At times the directed page could lead the users to unexpected viruses too. A spyware infection could lead to a virus infection consequently leading to a system crash.

When you open your browser, always make sure about the first page to be the one which was actually set as a change in the home page is an apparent sign of a spyware attack.

2) Slower typing of passwords:

If any webpage requires typing a password check to see if the characters being punched seem to show up slower than it should be doing. It would very well mean that the spyware program is making note of the keystrokes to spy on the private information.

Along with passwords, Spywares also make notes of names, dates, credit card numbers and other data which may assist the hacker in stealing your identity information.

3) Non-working keys:

This could arise when passwords are prompted. As you type the password, check to see if every key is working right as spyware may disable the backspace and the delete keys for an instance. This would help the spyware to trace each character typed in the prompted space.

4) Emails relating to things which were researched:

Some people experience receiving emails which advertize products that had been researched at some point in time earlier. Such situations could mean that the spyware program is taking a note on the sites visited, thus sending the required information with the email address to the parent company.

5) Pop-ups:

While you surf the internet, if you think you are getting unusual pop ups, it could indicate some spyware infection. As you key in to search for information and simultaneously encounter a pop up from some unknown site, it is essentially hinting about a spyware infection which is monitoring your movements.

Always ascertain that prevention is worth a lot more than mere cure. If you are alert enough to watch the above symptoms, you could ensure a spyware-free computer system.

Abhishek is a Computer Security expert and he has got some great Computer Security Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 88 Pages Ebook, “Keep Your PC Safe From Virus And Data Loss!” from his website . Only limited Free Copies available. – Thanks to HP and BuzzCorps, Ponzi and I gave away a 00 Dragon notebook last night! We had a lot of fun, and I’m sure our winner Ralajer is one happy camper in sunny California!
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