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Remains of the Day: How Good Software Makes Us “Stupid” [For What Its Worth]

14 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Remains of the Day: How Good Software Makes Us “Stupid” [For What Its Worth]
# forwhatitsworth The official hardware of one of our favorite media center apps, Boxee , is available for pre-orders, YouTube begins live-streaming trials, web-based newsreader Bloglines is shutting down, and more of the perennial discussion regarding how software changes our brains. More »
Read more on Lifehacker

Modern OS on ancient hardware.
Technology & Life Integration: “I am currently using, at this very moment, while I am typing, the latest completely updated version of Gentoo. I can surf the net, play movies and my window manager even has transparency. I am developing my Partalog program on it and transferring files, home movies taken with my Flip, to my home server over the internet.”
Read more on Linux Today


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