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Notebooks – Go Mobile With Your Computer

16 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Notebooks – Go Mobile With Your Computer

Laptop or notebooks are full featured miniaturised computer that are mobile and function on inbuilt betteries or AC/DC adaptors which charge the batteries while providing power to the computer hence making the utilization of power more efficient.

Laptops and Notebooks, often considered to be one and the same have a few distinguishing features which set them apart. Laptops are heavier, cheaper and larger than their slimmer, sleeker and more expensive counterpart. However both serve the same purpose and have same advantages over the traditional computers.

Man`s inherent desire for improvisation and technical breakthrough led to the innovation of laptops from computers. IBM and Epsom introduced the first laptop in 1983. At present the market is flooded with many top brands that offer laptops with excellent features and competing prices.

The introduction of Windows 95, which was compatible with the Notebooks, completely revolutionized the world of notebooks, which could now give a tough competition to personal computers. It resulted in improved technology – batteries with longer life, no need for acid and a compatible operating system consequently leading to lower prices and higher demands of notebooks. Notebooks now consumed lower power and could store large amount data.

Notebooks can be broadly classified into three categories on the basis of their weight, thickness and size. Mainstream notebooks weigh between 5 and 7 lbs (2.3 -3.2kg) with a screen size of 14.1 or 15.4 inches diagonally. Desktop replacement are larger, bulkier laptops weighing around 5-7 lbs and more than 1.5“ thick, with relatively low battery capacity but powerful components and screen size as large as 17-20 inches (13“x11“) diagonally. Because of its powerful components its serves as an excellent gaming machine.

Sub notebooks are available in different sizes and thickness. Thin and light notebooks weigh between 5-7lbs and 1 – 1.4“ thick with a screen size 11-14“ x 11“ while Ultra portable subnotebooks weigh less than 4 lbs and are less than 1.3“ thick with a screen size 11“x10“. Tablet PCs, palmtops, PDAS are as small as the size of a palm and weigh less than 3lbs and serve both as mobile phones and computers.

No doubt a notebook scores over a personal computer because of portability but because notebooks are in its initial stage of conception its various producers have not decided on standard features of the laptop which makes upgrading a laptop a very difficult process.

Some important points with regard to its various features should be kept in mind while deciding on which notebook to buy. With regard to size and weight, it is to be remembered that lower the weight and smaller the size, lesser the features. Slimmer and lightweight laptops might not have drives.

Notebook processors perform like desktop processor. Dual core processors carry multitasking and are common. Notebook processors have a direct effect on the battery life and the performance of computer. In case of Intel premium processors, the higher is the number, the faster is the processing.

The speed of the computer is also affected by the rotational speed of the disk. The size of the RAM varies with different notebooks. For Windows XP and Mac OS , at least 256MB is required. Optical drives are if vital in notebook computers. It scans a simple CD Drive or a high definition DVD ROM. However most notebooks are equipped with dual level DVD burner.

Notebook computers consist of video processors and displays which consist of native resolution and screen size. Though the portability of the notebook adversely affects the largeness of the display but still wide screen display are in demand. Performance of PC gaming and 3D graphics will be determined by graphic processor Notebook computers come with four cell, 6 cell, and 8 cell batteries.

Normal battery life is 2 to 3 hours. However 5 or 6 hours battery life is also available these days. Generally, the bigger the notebook computer, the lower is the battery life. It must be ensured that you get at least one year warranty for your notebook. In case you are going to use your notebook extensively try to buy a notebook, which offers a warranty for a longer period.

You can have access to portuguese articles about notebooks from page Notebook Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil


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