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Notebook – A Portable Computer For Easy Access

19 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments
by nathij

Notebook – A Portable Computer For Easy Access

Advanced technology has brought the world closer and it has become a global village. The internet has ensured that people can keep in contact easily even when separated by thousands of miles and all it takes is a click of the mouse.

The internet has undoubtedly revolutionized our lives and the big desk-top computers have progressed to small carry-on `notebooks` or `laptops` as they are more popularly known. In another word, with a notebook, your computer goes where you go since they are portable computers.

A notebook normally weighs less than six pounds depending upon the materials used for its manufacture and its size and can be easily fitted into a briefcase. Notebook computers are no longer expensive or fancy gadgets to flaunt but are being used rigorously by most as business, study or hobby tools to give solid competition to the standard desk-top computer.

The notebook or laptop has become so indispensable that most of us can`t dream of stepping out of the house without one. What would a harried executive or a salesperson or a student do without his beloved laptop?! Company executives, sales people store all their business data on the laptop for instant access to information even while traveling.

For students, a notebook is essential to do research and is much more convenient than hanging out in neighborhood internet joints. Study material can as easily be stored on the desk-top computer as much as on a laptop but the former cannot beat the latter for sheer convenience. Students now have to make a lot of presentations in schools, colleges and having a notebook certainly helps as everything can be stored on it and carried with them.

The same goes for company executives or salespeople when they have to make presentations or a sales pitch. The laptop permits you to carry your work load very conveniently and you don`t have to worry about the hardware or getting wires connected or finding the appropriate space to place your computer. If you`d rather work from home than stay back late at work, it lets you do that being easily portable.

A single main battery is normally required to run the notebook but the battery can also be charged using an external AC/DC adaptor which simultaneously provides power to the laptop itself. If you are using the notebook a lot, the charge may not last more than an hour but light use will see the notebook working for at least two to five hours.

The display screens are very lightweight and not bulky and are much superior to the desk-top computer. One can get a really wide screen on a notebook and with wireless cards entertainment can be accessed on the go. Really top-of-line notebooks use the latest technology to provide state-of-the art performance.

The notebook computers generally have a liquid crystal display and its memory module is different from that of desk-top computers. Most notebook computers have a VGA resolution on their display screens. A built-in keyboard and a touchpad are provided in a notebook computer though an external mouse or keyboard can also be used instead.

Notebook computers generally have similar CPU, memory capacity, hard disc space as that of the desk-top computer but these are smaller and manufactured for optimal efficiency and mobility.

However, a notebook computer with very powerful features will be very expensive when compared to the desk-top computer with similar features. Usually, a notebook or laptop is less powerful than a desk-top computer at the same cost. Also, bear in mind that replacement parts of a notebook are expensive and since they are very specific, obtaining them on your own may get difficult. Do keep these points in mind before you venture to buy a notebook!

You can have access to portuguese articles about notebooks from page Notebook Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for

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