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News: TSA: 11.6-inch MacBook Air is Bag-safe

29 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

News: TSA: 11.6-inch MacBook Air is Bag-safe
U.S. air travelers can leave their shiny new 11.6-inch MacBook Air laptops in their bags when passing through airport security checkpoints according to the TSA. The 13.3-inch model, however, is too big and still must come out for separate screening.
Read more on The Mac Observer

EU project tackles energy use in phones, laptops and TVs
Rosalie Marshall, , Wednesday 27 October 2010 at 17:32:00 Research aims to slash power consumption by electronic devices The European Union is funding a major research initiative that aims to lower the amount of energy used by electronic devices and extend battery life. Scientists at European universities, research institutes and technology companies plan to use nanotechnology to reduce …

Is the MacBook Air a peek into the future of laptops?
“We think all notebooks will look like these one day.” Those were Steve Jobs’s words when he took the stage on October 20th to introduce a refreshed version of the MacBook Air, making it clear that Apple’s newest computers were a harbinger of things to come.
Read more on Macworld via Yahoo! News


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