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Moleskine Ruled Notebook Pocket

29 Aug Posted by in Computer | 5 comments

Moleskine Ruled Notebook Pocket

  • The basic pocket-size book. 192 lined pages. Imported from Italy. 3½” x 5½”
  • Many are the sketches and notes, ideas and emotions that have been jotted down and harboured in this trustworthy pocket-size travel companion before being turned into famous pictures or the pages of beloved books.
  • Each Moleskine has a rigid, oilcloth bound ‘moleskine’ cover, and the acid free paper pages are thread bound.
  • They also have an elastic closure and an expandable inner note holder made of cardboard and oilcloth and a removable card with the moleskine history.
  • A great way to get things done! Pocket-sized – junk your PDA!

This basic yet classic Pocket Ruled notebook is one of the best selling Moleskine notebooks. This reliable travel companion perfect for writings thoughts and passing notes has a cardboard bound cover with rounded corners acid free paper a bookm

Rating: (out of 26 reviews)

List Price: $ 12.00

Price: $ 5.66

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  • MacCann says:

    Review by MacCann for Moleskine Ruled Notebook Pocket
    Moleskine Ruled Notebook

    In the course of my working life I spent several years as a computer tech, and have consequently learned a healthy caution regarding the frailty of electronic devices. The Pocket Moleskine has been the most reliable PDA I’ve tried. Compact enough to fit in any pants pocket, the covers are stiff enough to provide a firm, stable writing surface even when standing and yet still pliable enough to be comfortable even in a back pocket. A previous reviewer said he expected a notebook “the size of a DVD case”. Two points in response: how many DVD-case-sized pockets do you have, and why didn’t you order the larger Moleskine? He also complained that he could only get one sentence on a page in his Moleskine. my own handwriting is of a normal size, and a quick check of my most-recently filled Moleskine shows an average of 130 words to the page.

    The Moleskine is filled with good, smooth acid-free paper that can take a wide variety of inks without smearing, discoloring, or bleeding through. The expanding pocket is well-secured and can hold a surprising quantity of loose notes, receipts, business cards, etc. The books themselves are well constructed and durable; mine are exposed to hot, humid conditions and hold up to daily carry and use.

    The other reviewer pointed out the price: certainly these are not 79-cent Office Max specials, but for the serious writer, or a person who must record important information through the course of a day and retain it legibly for more than a week, the price is worth it. One hint to extend the capacity of your Moleskine: use the bound pages for things you want to permanently record, and keep Post-It notes inside the covers to jot down quick memoranda. I use the Post-Its for such things as the titles of books or movies I want to research. (Think of the Post-Its as expandable memory for your PDA!)

  • Jaylin says:

    Review by Jaylin for Moleskine Ruled Notebook Pocket
    Don’t let the name fool you: this is the pocket-sized Moleskine, which is about 5.5 by 3.5 inches. If you’re looking for something bigger, the “large” Moleskine, at approximately 8 by 5 inches, might be the one you want. (Updated 09/29/09: The item title now has the word “pocket” in it, so I’m thinking/hoping that the misunderstandings are pretty much over with.)

    I currently own three of these pocket notebooks, having gotten my first one back in early 2005. Now don’t get me wrong — I adore Moleskines, but there are some things you should be aware of. The paper, for one, isn’t that thick. I love it and I love the texture (and the color), but be warned that it might not take very well to certain pens, especially ones that have more liquidy ink, such as fountain pens.

    The binding on two of mine have also become loose, with moderate use over a decent period of time. I usually write in pencil, so the bleeding through the paper is not an issue for me. This Moleskine would certainly get a 5/5 from me if the binding could just hold up. Instead, the threads are loose, and my pages are coming out. Maybe I got some defective ones — I don’t know. But I bought them separately and at different times. I can’t tell you much more than that, so you decide for yourself.

  • Deremiah *CPE/Customer Passionate Executive says:

    Review by Deremiah *CPE/Customer Passionate Executive for Moleskine Ruled Notebook Pocket

    Dear Artist friend or business person,

    It’s been nearly 4 years 8 months since I stumbled across these neatly packaged notebooks by Moleskine.

    The ruled ones are great for journaling in especially if you are a hands-on person that still loves the idea of preserving the past in a manual way. You know I mean with out using a computer. Or computerized hand held technology or a digital recording device.

    Don’t get me wrong I have devices like this but somedays you just want to go back. Back to the times when life was simple and things moved slower…you know Old School technology i.e., (pencil/pen and paper). If you’re into doing that and prefer keeping track of the notes you take at seminars or notes you take of your daily life then this is a great little book for you. Why? Because great ideas should be protected.

    The truth is that I have purchased quite a few of these as I try to keep the pace of journaling everyday. The reason why I enjoy putting my notes in this book is because they’re not bulky or hard to carry. I also love the elegantly classic construction because they’re really put together well.

    They really are well constructed:


    Smooth-Elegantly Black leather like exterior

    Durable-against spills or rain (but this should not be abused)


    High-quality paper (great for archival purposes and storage)

    Binding and pages are well put together. I have not lost one single page due to the spine breaking and pages falling out. The ones I have are not glued into the spine.

    So if journaling were an Olympic event and I was one of the judges I’d give Moleskine Ruled Notebooks a “Gold Medal” for all the great notebooks they’ve put together because the construct is superior. By the way Hemingway used them a lot and if a great writer like Hemingway used them who am I to argue. They were good enough for storing his great written works. So I’ve given up putting my ideas on writing pads or sticky notes. Remember everything is not for everybody…especially the best stuff. Most people find out about it when it’s to late. I’m trying to share with you an insiders secret.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

  • Jesse Kornbluth says:

    Review by Jesse Kornbluth for Moleskine Ruled Notebook Pocket
    In a crowd twittering on Blackberrys and iPhones, you’ll have no problem spotting me. I’m the guy who reaches into his back pocket, removes a small black slab, produces a pen and starts — no, it can’t be — writing.

    How unbelievably chic.

    In that crowd of thumbsters, I may be the only evangelist for Moleskine notebooks, but at some point in 2010, I predict, everyone who can read without moving his/her lips will be sporting Moleskines. So if you need to be one of the Cool Kids, move fast.

    There are fads built on nothing. Moleskines are the real thing. The leather-like cover takes more wear than you’ll ever give it. The elastic band is useful both to keep the notebook closed and to mark your place. There’s an inner pocket to hold business cards, receipts and small photographs. The spine is sewn, not glued, so the cover lies flat when it’s opened. The paper is acid-free.

    What more do you want from a notebook?

    Oh. A story. Of course. You want to hear that these are the same notebooks favored by van Gogh, Picasso, Hemingway and Bruce Chatwin. There are those who make these claims. Well, here’s Francesco Franceschi, head of marketing department of the company that makes Moleskines: “It’s an exaggeration. It’s marketing, not science. It’s not the absolute truth.”

    The truth is simpler. French bookbinders produced these notebooks until 1986. When they phased them out, loyalists bought hundreds. In 1998, an Italian company named Modo e Modo revived the notebooks — and expanded its offerings to include day planners, sketchbooks and city guides.

    It would be pretty to think that Hemingway made notes for “The Sun Also Rises” in a Moleskine as he drank in Paris cafes. But that’s too retro for me. I’m more interested in the new generation of writers whose Moleskines will come to be exhibited in university libraries. And I’m writing as legibly as I can in the hope that I’ll be one of them.

  • M. Wells says:

    Review by M. Wells for Moleskine Ruled Notebook Pocket
    I’m an Active Duty Soldier in today’s Army and having a pocket notebook is something that is expected from all its leaders. I’ve used many types of notebooks that were supplied to me free by the military, and I could never find one that really impressed me. Most would either fall apart after a few weeks of use, or the pages would become hard to write on due to weathering. Then my sister gave me one of these as a stocking gift over Christmas and I started using it when I went back to work. I instantly fell in love with the Moleskin and vowed to never use another notepad again. The thing that seperates this one from the rest is the hard covers and the elastic band that keeps it together. These simple features alone keeps most of the dampness off your pages, and helps the notepad maintain its shape. If you’re looking for a solid pocket notebook at a reasonable price, look no further.

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