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Model Aims To Reduce Disaster Toll On City’s Social, Economic Fabric

01 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

20080523 – computer – 157-5734 – back of case, close-up
computer case
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
BEST PRACTICES: Write down what inputs on your soundcard are what (microphone, headphones, line in, line out, etc). You can usually tell which is which when looking at a brand new card, but they are usually etched into the metal — very low contrast. Once you get some wires blocking your view, and your computer is moved/wired in somewhere without good lighting — A label like the ones at the bottom can save you a world of leaning, unwiring, computer moving, and lower back pain. The top label is harddrive cylinders, heads, etc. Fortunately with SATA and even EIDE, we don’t have to deal with that hell anymore.

computer case, labels.

Clint and Carolyn‘s house, Alexandria, Virginia.

May 23, 2008.

… Read my blog at
… Read Carolyn’s blog at

Model Aims To Reduce Disaster Toll On City’s Social, Economic Fabric
Researchers have created a computer model that predicts how a disaster’s impact on critical infrastructure would affect a city’s social and economic fabric, a potential tool to help reduce the severity of impacts, manage the aftermath of catastrophe and fortify infrastructure against future disasters. “The model works for any type of disaster that influences the infrastructure,” said Makarand …
Read more on Medical News Today

Renton teen with autism creating collage works of art
RENTON, Wash. — Every once in a while there is a news story that is truly a treat, a rare treat to work on and bring to the air. This was the case with Wil Kerner and his art. His art, first of all, is fascinating. It’s childlike and complex at the same time – collage works full of bright colors and big shapes, one-eyed cartoon characters from a world other than ours. It’s bright, vivid …
Read more on NorthWest Cable News


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