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Liquid Cooled Cases vs Air Cooled Cases

28 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Liquid Cooled Cases vs Air Cooled Cases

Air Cooled

Since computers have been available to the public they have come with the ability to regulate temperature of the central processing unit (CPU) through air cooling systems.

An air cooled system is simply the use of fans built into the case of the computer used to cool of the components inside the computer case to keep it from overheating and melting the individual components of the computer.

In most computer cases you will find the air cooling system.  Based on the size of the computer case, it will determine the number and placement of fans.  Many of the small computer cases will only have one or two fans, one located in the front and one in the rear.

Many of the full mid tower computer case and all of the full tower computer cases have three or more fans built into them.  At least one is located in the front, one in the rear, and one on the removable side plate of the case.


Save money when purchasing the case.
Fans easily replaceable if they burn out.


Constant cleaning of the case because fans move dust and dirt into the case when turned on.
Weaker cooling power than liquid cooling, which prevents from optimizing the overclocking ability of a computer system.
If air going into computer from the surrounding environment is already warm air, the effectiveness of air cooling the computer system is greatly reduced.
Fans use the power supply to run, which draws extra power, and expansion slots away from the other parts of the computer system.

Liquid Cooled

Liquid cooling is the most recent technology that has become available to the computer world in the terms of temperature regulation of your home computer system.

The liquid cooling system uses water or a comparable liquid run through a series of  “pipes” that line the computer case to regulate temperature.  Instead of moving air through the components, the case is design to maximize the heat dissipating properties of water to keep the system from over heating.


Regulates temperature more effectively than the use of fans.
Does not use the expansion slots in the power supply that multiple fans built into the case does.
Allows for the overclocking the computer systems more effectively because the system temperature is less of an issue with the more effective liquid cooling.


If the cooling system were to go bad, it creates a huge ordeal to replace.
More expensive to purchase or add to a case.


Trying to decide which case is the best option for you?

If you are building your computer for the home office or for school or business, an air cooled system is your best option.  The reason I say this is because it will save you money on the initial purchase of the case and using your computer to search the internet, monitor text documents, and maybe listen to music is all that is going to be done then overclocking the system is not even in consideration.  None of the above listed processes are intense enough to require overclocking the system to be able to run them.

If you are attempting to create a system to maximize media and/or gaming experience than a liquid cooling system is your best option.  Overclocking your system is making it run at excessive speeds which generates more heat.  It would require multiple fans to produce the same cooling effectiveness that a liquid cooling system produces.


CP YoU BUild IT offers computer parts, accessories, and the information to properly assemble, install and maintain your personal computer(PC) from the case to the hard drive to DVD drives.  We offer it all here!

CP YoU BUild IT offers its services to all level of persons who are interested in learning to assemble and maintain their own personal computer system whether this is your first attempt at building a computer or you have done it numerous times.

By providing the knowledge to assemble your own PC and optimize your operating system for free, CP YoU BUild IT creates an opportunity to maintain a highly functional and operational PC without having to deal with the time and hassle it takes to talk to a tech support team that other name brands force you to deal with.

I have been working on computer for approximately thirteen years, beginning with the assembly of the first computer I ever owned with my father in the second grade. Computers have come a long way from a 486 processor with a 5.5″ and floppy disk drive.

Our major competitors such as Apple and Hewlett-Packard have had their enterprises valued in the hundreds of billions of dollars. These companies’ values have been steadily increasing as technology for computers becomes more accessible and affordable to more people all over the world.

CP YoU BUild IT is not just a computer company retailer. We provide information and suggestions to all of our customers, so that each customer gets the most out of the PC that they were able to build on their very own!

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