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09 Jul Posted by in Computer | Comments

Secret Service Raids Apple Store Artist
Be careful what you do with the free MacBooks at the Apple store. Because if you overstep, Steve Jobs will send the Secret Service to your house with a warrant to steal all of your Apple products. At least, that’s what it seems based on one 25-year-old artist’s account of recent run-in with agents.Related: Who’s a Bigger Danger to Cloud Innovation: Hackers or the Government?
Read more on The Atlantic Wire via Yahoo! News

Readers share how ‘Harry Potter’ has affected their lives
As midnight of July 15th comes closer, I am preparing myself for excitement, suspense and sadness. It’s not like I don’t know how the story ends. As a true fan, the thought of the end of the Harry Potter movies brings about many feelings. Why am I, a 42 year old mother of a 12 and 17 year old obsessed with the Harry Potter world? Why do I read each book over again a week before the release of …
Read more on The Record

ALERT: U.S. Official Says Pre-Infected Computer Tech Entering Country
KHQ.COM – Confirming years of warnings from government and private security experts, a top Homeland Security official has acknowledged that computer hardware and software is already being imported to the United States preloaded with spyware and security-sabotaging components.
Read more on KHQ Spokane


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