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Lastest Computers News

03 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

My Computer
Image by aLii_
I’m convinced that I can get a really good photo out of the glow this computer makes. I’m not sure that this is the shot. Suggestions welcome.

Fleet Optimization Software includes battery management module.
Drawing real-time information from on-board computers of lift trucks, iWarehouse® and its reporting modules let warehouse managers benchmark lift truck and operator productivity; diagnose potential lift truck issues remotely; and reduce risk of impacts. To help maintain lift truck battery fleets, iBattery(TM) module enables data-driven management by automatically notifying warehouse managers of …
Read more on ThomasNet

Intel chief says Iran able to fight off worm that hit computers linked to nuclear plant
ISLAMABAD – Assailants launched two separate attacks on tankers carrying fuel for foreign troops in Afghanistan, showing the vulnerability of NATO supply lines a day after the Pakistani government itself shut one down.”>
Read more on Lethbridge Herald

Children at school to receive laptop computers
Children at an elementary school in Nelson House will be receiving laptop computers following today’s launch of the One Laptop Per Child program in Canada.
Read more on Brandon Sun


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