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Lastest Computers News

26 Aug Posted by in Computer | Comments

Students working on class assignment in computer lab
Image by Extra Ketchup
These computer run on Gentoo Linux! To learn more about this computer lab, visit

US computers attacked with flash drive
US computers attacked with flash driveUS computers attacked with flash drive
Read more on The Economic Times

Thought-controlled computers on the way: Intel
( — Computers controlled by the mind are going a step further with Intel’s development of mind-controlled computers. Existing computers operated by brain power require the user to mentally move a cursor on the screen, but the new computers will be designed to directly read the words thought by the user.
Read more on PhysOrg

2008 Attack on Military Computers Is Confirmed
A foreign intelligence agent infected computers in “the most significant breach of U.S. military computers ever.”
Read more on New York Times


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