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Lastest Computer News

17 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Computer failure delays opening of RMV
Registry of Motor Vehicles branch offices will not open today until 11 a.m. after a state computer failure delayed…
Read more on Boston Herald

Computer game obsessed mother neglected children and animals
A British mother who became obsessed with a computer game let her two dogs starve to death and neglected her three children, the Daily Mail reported.
Read more on The Advocate

Super computer harnesses power of quantum mechanics
OPTICAL CHIP:THE WORLD of computing is about to change with a super-fast computer that works using light. More importantly, the security of the data it contains will be “guaranteed by the laws of physics”.
Read more on The Irish Times

Final Glance: Computer companies
NEW YORK (AP) — Shares of some top computer companies were mixed at the close of trading: Apple Inc. rose .35 or 2.3 percent, to 6.57. Dell Inc. rose $.12 or 1.0 percent, to .42. Hewlett Packard rose $.73 or 1.8 percent, to .35. IBM rose $.24 or .2 percent, to 9.67. Lexmark fell $.17 or .4 percent, to .43.
Read more on AP via Yahoo! Finance


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