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Laptop For Every Pupil In Uruguay

31 Dec Posted by in Computer | Comments
by ghindo

Laptop For Every Pupil In Uruguay

Laptop For Every Pupil In Uruguay

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Home Page > Computers > Laptops > Laptop For Every Pupil In Uruguay

Laptop For Every Pupil In Uruguay

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Posted: Feb 03, 2010 |Comments: 0



“How do I extend the life of my laptop battery?” is a laptop battery question we are frequently asked. It’s a valid question since laptop batteries are usually notebook,battery expensive to replace.
First of all, how long should your laptop battery last? 2-4 years is generally acceptable depending on how frequently you use and charge the battery. If you travel a lot and use and charge your battery frequently then laptop battery you laptop battery might only get a couple of years at the most out of your laptop battery.Laptop batteries are usually made with Li-Ion batteries and the very nature of Li-Ion batteries is that they have about 300-500 charges and last at most about 4-5 years (shelf life). They also have a laptop battery self-discharge rate of laptop battery about 1% per day so you need to be sure to charge them at least every 6 months.So how can you care for laptop battery your laptop battery to get the maximum life out of it? 1.) Always use your laptop on a hard surface. Laptops are portable and it’s easy to set your laptop on your lap or on your bed and use it at your lesiure. That’s one of the benefits of having a portable computer. Flexibility. But if you want to extend your battery life you laptop battery have to watch out for overheating your laptop.Heat is one of the biggest obstacles to battery life longevity. Your laptop computer fan cannot laptop battery circulate the air properly when your laptop is sitting on soft surface. 2.) Do not keep your laptop battery installed when you laptop battery use your laptop on AC for an laptop battery extended period of time.While your laptop is undoubtedly using a smart charger laptop battery to charge your battery even a constant trickle charge over months can reduce your battery life. For best results, only charge replacement,laptop,battery your battery when you need to laptop battery charge it, don’t leave the laptop battery plugged in all the time.More importantly than the laptop battery trickle charger affect is the ‘storage’ of a Li-Ion laptop battery battery at elevated temperatures. The optimum laptop battery storage temperature for a Li-Ion battery is at 0 deg. C. The optimum laptop battery storage charge level is about 40%. Unfortunately we tend to store fully charged laptop battery and at the temperatures laptop battery found in a running laptop you’ll find a significant reduction in battery performance after only 12-18 months. 3.) Use a full charge cycle laptop battery before recharging.Li-Ion and NiMH batteries (which most laptop batteries are), do not have a memory which you might find in NiCad batteries. laptop battery However, each chemistry has a limited number of charge laptop battery cycles, so use a full charge cycle before re-charging to maximize your battery usage.Because this may be very difficult to manage, you’ll need to consider the cost-benefit ratio for keeping track of how far discharged the battery is before you laptop battery charge it again.You may reprint this article in its entirety including the title and author information.When reprinting, please include the following:”Used by permission, – laptop battery www.zbattery.comInternet publications, laptop battery please link the ‘’ back to our website 4.) Be careful where you store your laptop.This goes back to the heat issue. laptop battery Don’t leave your laptop in the car where it can get very hot. Batteries hate heat and your laptop battery will go on strike permenantly if you expose it to too much heat.
Remember that all laptops are not created equal. You may have gotten 4 laptop battery hours laptop battery from your last laptop while on battery, but your new laptop might pull more juice to run that gaming quality processor, or the power hogging programs you’re laptop battery running now. Read your owner’s manual to find out what you should expect from your laptop battery and laptop battery be sure to compare apples to apples when purchasing laptop battery a replacement battery. Not all laptop batteries laptop battery are made to the same specs. We recommend buying a battery that has at least as much capacity as your original battery (that’s the mAh rating), and preferrably the same chemistry as well.If you simply aren’t sure what to laptop battery get, check with a professional. Our laptop battery customer service staff laptop battery are trained to know how to compare batteries and they are happy to help find the right fit for your laptop.

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I purchase acer aspire 5740 laptop. battery put the charge in 3hours . but backup only 1hour is coming why?
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notebook battery, replacement laptop battery

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