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Laptop Computer Cases | Laptop Computer Bags

21 Aug Posted by in Computer | Comments — Place To Get Best Laptop Case & Bag Perfect match for the Eee PC 1000 I already have and very much like a slightly-larger version of this for my Dell Latitude D620 computer at work, so this was an easy purchase decision. My Eee PC 1000 already came with a similar neoprene case, but a big too big for the computer alone, yet not big enough to also hold the AC adapter and a mouse, plus no way to keep them from scratching the computer if I’d jammed them all in together. The Caselogic LNEO-10 is just enough smaller to properly fit the 1000, with a separate zipped compartment that can accomodate both the AC adapter and a mouse. Though the result looks a bit lumpy, it works well. I also very much like the handles on the LNEO-10. They are comfortable in use, and easily fold out of the way when not in use. Good fit for an EEE PC 1000h I picked up one of these cases for my EEE PC 1000h and it fits pretty close to perfectly. The pocket on the side is big enough to hold the power adapter and a mouse. The top handles are more useful than I would have thought, since I intended to mostly carry this case inside a messenger-style bag, but I’ve found it quite handy to just carry the computer in just this case. The case seems reasonably well padded, probably not enough to protect a laptop from a serious drop but enough to protect it from the occasional bump. The only thing I could ask for would be for a pocket on the other side. I’m pretty satisfied with this case
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