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Kensington K64560US ComboSaver Portable Notebook Computer Lock Reviews

03 Sep Posted by in Computer | 5 comments

Kensington K64560US ComboSaver Portable Notebook Computer Lock

  • Self-coiling cable extends from 3-in to 6-ft
  • Slim-profile lock attaches to 99% of notebooks with patented T-bar locking mechanism
  • Simple to set combination with easy view window and comfort grip dials
  • 10,000 personalized combination codes
  • SAFE-tested for greater security and peace of mind

If your computer is stolen, it’s not just the computer that you may be missing. Theft or loss of a computer or data storage medium, make up 54% of all identity theft-related data breaches. Protect your notebook from theft wherever you go. The ComboSa

Rating: (out of 39 reviews)

List Price: $ 28.95

Price: $ 9.94



  • Jason says:

    Review by Jason for Kensington K64560US ComboSaver Portable Notebook Computer Lock
    As previous reviews have noted, the instructions on this thing look like they were written by a 2 year old. Here is how to set this lock:

    1. Set the lock to all 0’s

    2. Insert the metal key into the bottom of the lock, with the 2 yellow dots.

    3. Twist the metal key until the 2 yellow dots line up, creating a yellow line.

    4. Scramble to your new code

    5. CAUTION: MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT MOVE THE COMBO AT ALL DURING THIS STEP. It is very easy to accidentally move the combo a number or 2 during this step, and it will ruin your lock for good (if you do not remember the missed-entered combo. Now, twist the metal key back to its original position, breaking the yellow line back into 2 yellow dots. You are now down.

    To LOCK the product into a device:

    1. Tie the lock around something, anything, using the loop.

    2. Set the lock to the correct code.

    3. Insert the lock into the device, and then turn 90 degrees. If don’t properly, the lock will not come out of the device, BUT YOU ARE NOT DONE.

    4. While pushing the button on the end of the lock, scramble the lock to an incorrect code. This should lock the lock in place, and prevent it from spinning in the device. Double check with a few tugs that the device is secure.

    To UNLOCK:

    1. Re-enter correct code

    2. Push button

    3. Turn 90 degrees

    4. Remove from device.

    Wasn’t that easy, Kensington?

  • Jack Xu says:

    Review by Jack Xu for Kensington K64560US ComboSaver Portable Notebook Computer Lock
    I read some of the reviews, and it seems like some people got theirs and it worked fine. However, my lock was poorly made. I could tell from the start it wasn’t high quality because the numbers did not slide very well, as you would expect from a nice bike lock or combination lock.

    After inserting the lock into my laptop, I was unable to scramble the code because the numbers were stuck. I called customer service (which was outsourced to another country, therefore it took them forever to understand my problem) and they told me to return it to get another one. Gotta love that.

  • M. Littau-Mora says:

    Review by M. Littau-Mora for Kensington K64560US ComboSaver Portable Notebook Computer Lock
    I think in the interest of having IKEA-style no-words instructions, they have undermined their product. Here’s what I think happened when I tried to reset the code: I put the combo at the preset 0000, then inserted & turned the special reset tool, then put in my new code, then turned the tool back. Then I tried to use the lock, and it didn’t work. Then I noticed that though I had thought I’d turned the tool “60 degrees” as the instructions say, I had maybe not turned it quite enough. So I put the tool in again and turned it just a hair more, and it clicked – at which point I believe the combo was reset to whatever number was in the combo window at that point – not the number I’d put in, nor the factory preset. Since I had been trying to make it work, I have no idea what numbers had ended up on the thing at that point. So now there’s no way to make it work, and no way to reset it.

    All because, in the interest of “simplicity” they chose not to put in the instructions the words “Turn back 60 degrees until it clicks.”

    So now I have a useless product that I need to return. Nice work, Kensington!

  • Michelle Cotton says:

    Review by Michelle Cotton for Kensington K64560US ComboSaver Portable Notebook Computer Lock
    Ok, I have to say, this product is the best! I have a new MacBook Pro and often bring it with me to the coffee shop. Before buying the ComboSaver I would bring my MacBook Pro with me whenever I left the table – – even if it was just for a minute (hey, you never know and it would only take a second for someone to walk away with my MacBook). Anyway, I wanted somedthing that was secure, easy to use and light weight enough to bring with me – – and I found everything I was looking for in the ComboSaver (including piece of mind). For what I spent on my Macbook not to mention everything that I have stored, it was money well spent! I would recommend this to EVERYONE! Like I said, it only takes a minute for someone to walk away with your laptop, I’m thrilled that mine is safe!

  • Angela says:

    Review by Angela for Kensington K64560US ComboSaver Portable Notebook Computer Lock
    My daughter purchased this lock to take to college. She couldn’t get it to work and even had other people try to get it to work! She went to the bookstore and they said they stopped carrying these locks; she ended up having to pay for a new one with a key. Don’t get this lock!!

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