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HP Computer Cases: Everything You Should Know

05 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

HP Computer Cases: Everything You Should Know

Why Are HP Computer Cases So Popular?

If you visit ten friends homes today, you’ll probably see HP computer cases in at least half of them, even if the computer inside the case was not, in fact, manufactured by Hewlett Packard. What accounts for their popularity? Why are they even more sought after that their computers? It may seem odd but when you look at the reasons you will better understand the popularity of HP computer cases.

The Hp cases are long lasting.

A HP computer case is like putting an armored tank around your PC essentials. You could use it as a work table in the shop and it would last quite a while with no cracks… Of course, if you have a good, solid plastic computer case, we recommend using it on your computer, not to build chairs with, but the point remains: These cases are sturdy, solid, and built to last years down the line.

HP Cases Look Neat

Quite attractive. The minimalist design is ideal for nearly any work space. With most HP cases being black and gray the simple stylized look of these cases is easy on the eye. This simplicity can even be seen in HP’s logos. Some manufacturers choose to include pictures and elaborate fonts in their logos, so the simplicity of the good old fashioned H and P is a nice change of pace from the “More is More” philosophy of many computer case makers.

HP computer cases are tightly sealed.

Because computers are often the victims of a random spill and there is hardly anything worse than coke for your motherboard. If you have a cheap case, if you bought some generic brand plastic shell to put over an otherwise excellent custom made computer, then you’re probably going to be buying a new computer. If you use an HP case, then you’re going to be buying a roll of paper towels to mop it up, and you’re not going to worry about the insides. Have you ever tried to crack an HP case open? that it isn’t an easy task. These things are so tight that you could probably safely use it as a coffee table with no problem (not that we’d ever recommend that, of course).

Efficiency is the middle name of HP cases.

The design of HP’s cases sticks to the strictly what you need minimalist design. One of the common features of the cases of other manufacturers, is that their cases are not designed to make their storage simple, their designs are often overly stylish. Their designs are not simply done, they are often made with a number of features that protrude in many directions from the cases. HP cases are designed to fit right under your desk, unobtrusively and smoothly with no bulk or mess. If only all manufacturers could follow their lead, we wouldn’t be buying mismatching computers and cases to get the best of both worlds.

Also, another important fact that should be mentioned…

The Hewlett Packard company is a large organization and has very effective marketing behind them. Just as their designs are fluid and minimal, the advertising you see for HP is also understated and to the poing. You won’t find yourself changing the channel to avoid seeing yet another HP commercial. HP products do the talking and the advertising is just enough to let people know that HP is out there. Because of agressive ad campaigns a few computer companies have gone out of business in the last decade. As with the design of their cases, HP plays it cool in regards to marketing.

I have alot more ratings and information relating to desktop PC cases and HP computer cases at my website. I will also let you in on a little secret: The place to get them cheaper than anyplace else on the net 😉 Thank you for viewing, and enjoy!

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