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How To Troubleshoot Notebook Accessories Problems

28 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

How To Troubleshoot Notebook Accessories Problems

Battery not charging

If your notebook battery does not charge here’s a simple troubleshooting instruction to help you know and solve your notebook battery problem.

Take out the battery from your notebook and try to turn it on using the ac adapter. If your notebook does not turn on, borrow your friend’s ac adapter to determine if your ac adapter is defective or not. If the second ac adapter does not work as well, then there might be a proble with the power circuit of your notebook motherboard. You can also try to check if your ac adopter can power up or charge other notebook’s battery just to test if your ac adapter is working or not.

If your notebook turns on using your laptop ac adapter and it can also power up and charge other notebooks then we can conclude that your ac adapter is good and working. Proceed to step you’re your ac adopter is properly working.

Try to use another battery that you know works and if it works on your notebook then it’s possible that your notebook battery is the problem. Try your battery to another notebook to see if you will encounter the same problem. If it does then you need a new battery or return it if it is still under warranty.

AC Adapter Noisy or Hot

This tends to bother more women than men because men lose their high frequency hearing at earlier age than women does. Battery chargers typically include a transformer and some power IC’s and other components. The humming and whistling is cause by transformers and can go that way for years without failing. The buzzing sound of AC power adapter may vary with the quality of the power and voltage especially when you are traveling.

If your battery charger gets very hot, you should check the manufacturer specs for temperature if it still operating in safe temperature. If your AC power adopter is too hot to touch. If the battery charger gets very hot to touch when you use it then maybe its time for you to change your AC adapter such as PA3467U-1ACA or have it check with a technician.

New battery last a very short charge even though it is fairly new:

There are some manufacturers that caution people to condition the battery first before trying to install it the notebook. The most general procedure is to charge the battery fully before using it or leaving it on the AC battery charger overnight then using the notebook solely on battery until the battery is discharged. Some brands suggest that you run the notebook until the operating system warns you of low battery life remaining (anywhere from 10% to 3%). Recommendation differs from one battery manufacturer to another so it is important to read the owners manual instructions and follow the calibration guide in the manual included with the notebook battery.

notebook is new and battery is dead

Some people are surprised when they bought their brand-new notebooks when they find out that their battery is dead, or runs down very quickly even when they fully charge it. Keep in mind that even though you just received your notebook from shipment, that notebook may have been sitting in a warehouse for six months or even a year before you bought it from a store. It is more than enough time for the battery of that notebook to self discharge to an appreciable degree even if it isn’t being used. You can try to recondition the battery and see if it will hold enough power that will last longer than when you first used it. Try to check the notebook manufacturer website for any tools, tops or software that may be available and help you with your problem. Chances are the battery that comes with your new notebook simply can’t hold a charge the way it did when it was new.

If you just received the notebook as a hand-me-down or purchased it in second hand store then there’s no reason to expect that a short battery life is due to anything other than an aged battery of the notebook but you can also try some troubleshooting just to be sure.


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