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How Computers Work: Processor And Main Memory (Second Edition) Reviews

29 Aug Posted by in Computer | 5 comments

How Computers Work: Processor And Main Memory (Second Edition)

Computers are the most complex machines that have ever been created. This book will tell you how they work, and no technical knowledge is required. It explains in great detail the operation of a simple but functional computer. Although transistors ar

Rating: (out of 9 reviews)

List Price: $ 4.47

Price: $ 4.47



  • Paul Heller says:

    Review by Paul Heller for How Computers Work: Processor And Main Memory (Second Edition)
    I cannot understand why some reviewers gave this book a low rating unless they did not take time to really read it and think. The book requires you to think so make sure you are prepared to do that. I found that when I read it a second time it really clicked.

    I always wondered how the core of a computer really works. I know how to program, but what actually happens in the circuitry? How does it work? If you want to know this, this is the only book I have ever found which actually explains it. “Pattern on the Stone” is good for concepts, but this book is far more explicit and puts it all together. I dare you to find a better explanation anywhere for how a processor actually works as comprehensive and simple as this.

  • Victor Hugo Castro says:

    Review by Victor Hugo Castro for How Computers Work: Processor And Main Memory (Second Edition)
    This is a great book for anyone who has ever wanted to know how computers really work. The book starts from scratch and is suitable for the complete beginner and yet complex enough that even the best hardware guru would be intrigued. I’m a Computer Science Major and I wish that my upper division hardware class would use this book, its great! It’s straight to the point and is very clear in its concepts. I would definitely recommend this book.

  • Carlos J. A. Pereira says:

    Review by Carlos J. A. Pereira for How Computers Work: Processor And Main Memory (Second Edition)
    … and maybe construct a simple one!

    I simply just not understand the negative reviews this book has had. It is just WONDERFUL! It starts with a very simple circuit, and go on adding ideas, one step at time, building a computer from its inner parts! Of course, some parts are more difficult than others, but just give it a second and third read…

    This is the book I have been searching, as a computer science teacher, to create more interesting material to my students.

  • Victor Hugo Castro says:

    Review by Victor Hugo Castro for How Computers Work: Processor And Main Memory (Second Edition)
    This is a great book for those of you who want to know how computers really work. This book gets down to the core hardware level and intrigues you with the secrets of Computer and Electrical Engineering. Its great for Beginners and Advanced Computer Gurus alike. I really like this book and I would highly recommend it. This is the kind of book universities should use in upper division hardware classes!

  • Paul J Richardson II says:

    Review by Paul J Richardson II for How Computers Work: Processor And Main Memory (Second Edition)
    For anyone who has read scientific literature, you know just how horribly unbearable the author’s ego can drag out a simple fact, into a display of gravity, and his absolute confidence (unjustifiably, of course). How refreshing it is then, for someone to just be their own real self, and honestly discuss a topic starting from absolute zero, and yet so deftly.. almost imperceptibly.. guide you into the darkest depths of understanding, beyond the reach of mere scholarship, and into the esoterica of what must be a lifetime of study?? This book would be an excellent satisfaction to those with hungry minds, who do not work in the field. Alternatively, if you are new and entering, or merely a bit rusty from veering into the fringes of your true chosen field, this will ‘snap’ you quickly into the upper tiers of expertise amongst peers. In short, I would highly recommend this work.

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