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Green with Envy: Eco-Friendly Computer Bags and Cool Cases

12 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Green with Envy: Eco-Friendly Computer Bags and Cool Cases

Earth Day 2009 has come and gone, but that does not mean that being “green” is done for the year.  Quite the contrary:  everything seems to have eco-friendly options.  That means the same is true of the laptop bag category as well. 

What is eco-friendly when it related to fashion accessories like laptop cases? It varies by designer, but it can mean made of recycled materials or even using water-soluable dyes for color.  Greensmart by Shoreline produces sleeves and bags from recycled plastic bottles. For an interesting twist, Re-Bagz hand weaves their laptop bags, business card cases, coin holders, and purses out of recycled rice bags and juice packs. Every bag is unique since it is impossible to duplicate the exact same production from one bag to the next.  The wallets are cut from 100 pound rice sacks.  While recycling bottles may be commonplace, we don’t know that recycling rice sacks is.  Both of these designers are doing their part to keep plastic out of the landfills while producing creative and fashionable products. 

When we first found kailo chic’s laptop sleeves and bags we wondered what makes them eco-friendly? Petroleum based dyes can be damaging to the environment, but kailo chic uses water-based dyes to create their fun color schemes.  Sometimes it is difficult to fathom, but even changing the type of dye to a natural substance can help you to contribute a small part to saving the earth.  

There is another interesting point that can rarely be noticed when shopping online.  All of these manufacturers use minimal exterior packaging.  It could be because the category of bags and fashion accessories has historically utilized very little packaging.  Regardless, it is a quality that should be commended and potentially copied by other industries who could consider minimizing the amount of plastic wrap or plastic packaging as part of their production and distribution process.

Elaine Sanders, together with Raffaella Camera, co-founded, the best place online to buy laptop bags, cool laptop totes and backpacks, ipod cases, and other functional technology fashion accessories from today’s leading designers.

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