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Free Software by Domain: Free Application Software, Free Communication Software, Free Computer Programming Tools, Free System Software

19 Sep Posted by in Computer | 2 comments

Free Software by Domain: Free Application Software, Free Communication Software, Free Computer Programming Tools, Free System Software

Purchase includes free access to book updates online and a free trial membership in the publisher’s book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Chapters: Free Application Software, Free Communication Software, Free C

List Price: $ 14.14

Price: $ 14.14

The Statistical Imagination (with Free Computer Applications CD-ROM and Student Version SPSS 9.0)

The Statistical Imagination, a basic social science statistics text with illustrations and exercises for sociology, social work, political science, and criminal justice courses, teaches readers that statistics is not just a mathematical exercise;

Rating: (out of 2 reviews)

Price: $ 14.00



  • - says:

    Review by – for The Statistical Imagination (with Free Computer Applications CD-ROM and Student Version SPSS 9.0)
    As a Sociology Ph.D. student without much (okay, ANY) background in statistics, I found myself struggling to keep up with what the hell my professor was going over in the classroom. The required textbook assumed I knew (much) more than I actually did and it seemed like I was the only one in the world who had no idea what terms like regression and correlation meant. What I needed was a solid textbook that would give me the skills and the confidence to catch me up to where my classmates were. Ritchey’s style of presenting clear explanations and corresponding examples was invaluable in my understanding of the course concepts. The textbook seems more appropriate for undergrads than it does grad students, but that was the level where I was at so it suited me just fine. It is certainly feasible to read a few chapters in a sitting without feeling like you’re experiencing statistical overload. This textbook would probably be best read by grad students about to take a stats course in order to hit the ground running…

  • J. M. Davis says:

    Review by J. M. Davis for The Statistical Imagination (with Free Computer Applications CD-ROM and Student Version SPSS 9.0)
    I’m not a stat person and I’m taking it as a class. This book is key. I love it. It demystifies all of statistics and makes it easy for the layman to understand. Doesn’t get much more clear than the Ritchey text and I’m happy I have it. I recommend this to anyone who needs a stat class or just a book on hand for whatever reason.

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