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Free Computer Tools for Graphic Poster Printing

25 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Free Computer Tools for Graphic Poster Printing

Do you want to develop your custom posters for absolutely no price at all? This though of course is one of the best things you can aim for to cut the costs of poster printing. With an almost free development process, then all your funds can be concentrated on quality poster printing, instead of royalty fees and other development costs. If you want to know how to do this, then read on below. I have a nice list for you of free computer tools that you can use for graphic poster printing.

•       Free digital templates – One of the best and most useful computer tools for posters that you can get for free are free digital templates. Templates of course are those document files that have pre-rendered dimensions and guidelines that help you make posters from scratch. Usually you can acquire these things for free if you browse poster printing services online. Just download the template file with the right poster size that you need and you should be ready to start.

•       Free font styles – Fonts of course are also a mainstay for graphic posters. You can easily get this for free at online font databases. Just do a simple search engine search and you should get hundreds of sites hosting free font downloads. There are plenty of different styles to choose from, so you have no trouble whatsoever about finding the right style that you need. The best part of course, is that usually, it is all for free.

•       Free images – Posters of course also requires images. You may not believe it, but in fact you can easily get great royalty free images on the Internet, all for free. Yes! Online image databases like Flickr and OpenPhoto have thousands of free images that you can use for personal or commercial color posters. Most of these images are made under the creative commons license which guarantees their freedom. Of course, this also means that you should use the same license when you use the images.

•       Free imaging software – You may not know it yet, but there are also free imaging software that you can download online. An open source imaging software commonly in use today is GIMP. Gimp is a free download that you can use for editing your photos and layouts. It is very similar to Adobe Photoshop in terms of features, and you can use its many great special effects to create the best poster design on par with paid software. So try to look for it on the Internet.

•       Free advice – Finally, if you feel you need guidance in terms of poster design, then never fear, because the Internet can also provide you with free advice. You can easily mosey on down to design forums and tutorial blogs about poster design if you have an Internet connection. Of course not all information you collect may be good, but the more you hear one certain advice spoken, the more useful it is really. Just make sure to look at authentic sites and stay away for dubious looking websites that spread viruses.

There you have it, free computer tools for poster printing. Quite many of them really and it should cut your whole development costs by almost half. Use them wisely.

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