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Download iTunes 10 for Windows and Mac : Key Features of New iTunes

04 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Download iTunes 10 for Windows and Mac : Key Features of New iTunes
iTunes 10 is out! Key Features of iTunes 10 : Ping Ping, simply put, is the Facebook for music lovers. Via Ping, you can learn more about the music preference of your friends and be updated on the latest projects of your favorite artists. Check out what they have been up to and even listen to 30-second clips of tracks they like. Also, be in-the-know on the latest happenings in the music scene …
Read more on Tech Pinas

Survey: Americans redefine necessities
U.S. adults were slightly less likely to call standard household items such as microwaves, the home PC, clothes dryers, cars, TV sets and landline phones necessities this year than in the recent past, according to the poll by the Pew Research Center.
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