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Computer Games – Big Business Even for Women?

13 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

Computer Games – Big Business Even for Women?
Last time I wrote about how men are computers and women are cell phones. Once again I delve into the realm of women and technology. Gaming of any sort whether done on Xboxes, Wiis, PSPs or online has always been known to be dominated by the male species. Well, that norm is fast changing as we found out a few facts. In some parts of the world, like in Britain, almost half of the people who play …
Read more on Manila Bulletin

Computer Provides Sex Health Information
Computer-based interventions on sexual health — successful for HIV prevention — may help with family planning or relationship issues, U.K. researchers say.
Read more on OfficialWire

New computer virus a throwback
A new computer virus, first detected on Thursday, is making its way around the globe, infecting computers at major corporations and government agencies as well as home users.


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