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6 Tips to Fix A Slow Computer – In Under 2 Minutes

01 Oct Posted by in Computer | Comments

6 Tips to Fix A Slow Computer – In Under 2 Minutes

1.  Go Easy On The Display Settings
It is very easy to get carried away with a wide range of visual options.  While you might things that this makes your pc look good – it will also impact on the performance of your computer.  If you get rid of some of those display options you will enjoy a computer that is faster and more reliable.

So how do you fix a slow computer by changing the visual display settings?

Find the control panel on your computer and click the system option.  Go to the advanced tab.  In the performance tab click on the settings.  OK now you will see a wide range of options that can be selected.  I would remove all and only leave the following as selected items.  Show shadows under menus, Show shadows under mouse pointer,  Show translucent selection rectangle, Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop, Use visual styles on windows and buttons

Try out these different options and work out what is best for you.  The main thing is to make sure you do not have too many options as it will make your computer slower.

2.  Remove File Indexing
You may not have heard of file indexing before – but enabling this option on your computer will slow your computers performance markedly.  It uses a large volume of the RAM (Memory) on your computer.  So – we suggest you disable this service and you will notice the difference immediately.
If you go to ‘my computer’ and right click the C: drive.  Then select properties and unselect the “allow indexing service to index this disk for fast file searching”.  Then apply this change to C: subfolders and files and click OK

3.  Get Rid of Your Desktop Picture
I know you quite like the picture of aunt Dorothy that you have on your computer desktop background!  However, if you get rid of this image and restore default settings for your background you will improve your computer speed and performance.  You are using a lot of memory to have this on your computer background.

4.  Clean Your Computer Registry
Your computer registry is the powerhouse of your computer.  If your windows registry is not free from damage and well organized, your system will become unbelievably slow and is likely to start  freezing, and crashing.  You should regularly clean your windows registry with and effective registry cleaning product to ensure that you computer is running fast and your registry is performing optimally.  Visit for details on top rated registry products and to perform a free scan of your computer registry to see if it is running at peak performance.

5. Clear your computers ‘prefetch’ folder 
What is ‘pre-fetching’?  Well – this actually refers to when your computer will pre-load frequently loaded applications and data to ensure that your programmes start running faster than without prefetching.  However, after you have used your computer for a period of time it will keep loading some stuff that is no longer necessary.  You should look to regularly empty this prefetch folder to help your slow computer and ongoing pc performance.  GO to the windows folder under your lodal hard disk X:\windows\prefetch (X is the drive where you have Windows installed) or %systemroot%\prefetch

6. How many fonts do you really need?
Another tip on how to fix a slow computer is to ensure that you only have the fonts that you are actually going to use loaded.  Additional fonts will use memory and computer power – especially TrueType fonts.  Get rid of some of these by going to your control panel, visiting the fonts folder and moving the ones you do not require to a temp directory.  That way you can bring them back if need be ! is a computer website designed to diagnose and fix problems on your computer that are causing it to be slow and unreliable.

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