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10 Easy Steps to Receive Free Computer Training

04 Sep Posted by in Computer | Comments

10 Easy Steps to Receive Free Computer Training

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In today’s day and age, computers are truly an indispensable piece of technology, and have surely become an important part of most of our lives. However a lot of us are not completely adept at handling this super powerful machine, and often one does not want to spend money on computer training after having already spent a lot of our savings on buying a computer.

Hence this article provides 10 easy steps to follow and keep in mind when searching for free computer-training sources:

1) Self-assessment: The very first step should be being clear about what exactly do you need? You might want to learn simple basic stuff. Maybe Microsoft word and PowerPoint is what you are looking for. You must prioritise your needs and then begin searching.

2) Online is the way to go! Probably the most useful and best place to look for free computer training is looking on the World Wide Web. Use the search engines to give you a list of options, and then see and decide which ones suit your needs.

3) Training format: It might be a wise decision to try out one of the courses before finally settling on one. Different courses have different formats so you must see which style suits you best. Some courses offer a stimulated environment, whereas in others trainers run through videos. So test one short course, and take it from there.

4) University courses: Some of the renowned universities such as Stanford and numerous other universities also offer higher-level computer courses for free. So if you are ready for this level, you might want to try one of these courses.

5) Video learning: If you do not want to join a particular course and instead like to learn at your own pace, learning through a number of video tutorials from video sharing sites can be really useful. Youtube has numerous videos concerning various aspects of computers, and ofcourse it is completely free!

6) Use Blogs: Another recent trend these days is blogging. One can’t even imagine the number of blogs on the World Wide Web today. Hence there are also numerous blogs by experts giving you direction and tips regarding various aspects of computers.

7) Weekly subscription: Not very popular and easily available, but there are also websites offering to give training material every week. Hence if you cant afford to take a course at one go, and instead would like to spread it out, this can be a great option for you.

8) Forums and newsletters: You can join discussion forums and subscribe to newsletter so that you are aware of the various computer-training opportunities available. Interacting with people who are looking for the same thing as you are can only expand your possible options.

9) Cheap books: If you don’t mind spending a few bucks, there are plenty of computer books available at very reasonable prices too. Such books can belong to you forever; hence you can always go back and look at something you want to.

10.) Keep records: If you have taken a certification tutorials/course, do keep a copy of the certificates carefully. It can always come handy to present it to your future employers.

For more free computer training information visit Computer Training Know How


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